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Les Misérables by Victor Hugo

This is a book that I am currently reading, so it won't be a complete review as the others, but I really wanted to say some things about it.

First, I have never been so delighted with the writing of an author as I have done with Victo Hugo. It is just wonderful, he is very poetic and romantic. Although this is not a happy book or a romantic one, he finds the way to present the tragedy in a very, very romantic way.

Second, this is one of those books that never die. Why? Because it's about social problems, and those never go out of style. The criticisms that Victor Hugo makes at that time, are still applicable to our time. I think he touches all the issues in a very clear and honest way. We have to remember of course that when he wrote this book he was hiding from the Catholic Church and for that reason he speaks freely.

Third, and this reason is kind of related to the last one because I want to talk about how he uses the story to make us think about our humanity. This is a very long book and it has a lot of characters, soon or later you will feel related to one of them, or perhaps more than one because each one of them represents different facets of human being. Also, Victor Hugo talks about values and principles and how even an inmate can have them and have a strong moral. In spite of his social position, sometimes you can find more values in them than in the high society.

This is the book that I am reading, and I really recommend it, this book is making me see the life from a different perspective and I already know that it would change me in some way.

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